Is Ecuador Safe? 2024 Travel Guide

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Welcome to our Ecuador safety guide.

This small yet diverse country has many incredible things to see and do, which include hiking active volcanoes and exploring the wild Amazon Rainforest.

Many worry about the safety situation in Ecuador, and especially so in recent years given how there have been increases in violence and protests in certain areas.

Ecuador Quick Summary:

  • 📍 Where Is It: South America
  • 🗺 Difficulty Getting There: Easy
  • ⏱ Time Needed: 3-5 Weeks
  • ☀️ Best Time to Visit: June-September, January-February
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Is Ecuador Safe?

In this guide we’ll explore the safety situation in Ecuador, including our top tips for travelers heading to this South American nation. We’ll also answer your questions later in the FAQ section.

Is Ecuador Safe Right Now?

Quick Answer: Overall you’ll be fine traveling through Ecuador at this current time, provided you do your research on safe areas in cities (such as Guayaquil and Quito), and also follow our main safety tips outlined in this article.

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There have been many warnings issued internationally about heading to Ecuador due to the violence. However it’s important to remember that this is mostly gang-related (between different factions and those who are politically-motivated), and also happens in the lesser touristy areas.

However there are plenty of safe areas to visit regardless of the current events anyway. These include Baños, Riobamba, Montañita, Otavalo and Cuenca. Be sure to check out our custom backpacking Ecuador route for more details on how to plan a trip here.

Ecuador Travel Warnings

A good way of assessing the safety situation is by comparing data collected by Numbeo. Known as the Crime Index, we can see how different countries ranked this year (with 100 being the unsafest). Ecuador scored 62.35, which we can compare with other Latin American countries such as Mexico (53.76) as well as Colombia (61.00).

Here’s some other interesting statistics regarding safety in Ecuador:

  • Levels of Crime (70.90)
  • Crime increasing in Past 5 Years (78.38)
  • Corruption and Bribery (79.97)
  • Worries of Being Mugged or Robbed (69.05)

As well as reading these, be sure to do your own extra research to get a more realistic picture of what to expect when traveling here.

Where to Stay in Ecuador

Ecuador has a pretty tried-and-tested backpacking route through the country, and is worth following given how practical it is.

This includes destinations such as in the north:

  • Quito
  • Otavalo
  • Baños (in the north)

As well as these in the in the south:

  • Montañita, Salinas
  • Guayaquil
  • Cuenca

backpacking cuenca ecuador

If you are planning on visiting Quito, then we highly recommend staying in the Selina Hostel in Plaza Foch. Here you will be staying in a safer area of the city, and have a choice between dorm beds and private rooms. You’ll also have breakfast included in the room rate.

Adding Cuenca to your itinerary is a must too, given the impressive amount of colonial architecture that you can see here. It’s best to base yourself in the Hotel Posada del Rey, which is just a block from the Plaza Calderón and a short walk from the infamous Casas Colgantes.

Montañita is a must-visit along your trip in Ecuador, which is great for a time-out for lounging on beautiful beaches, partying until dawn and going surfing along the main beach. There are plenty of awesome hostels right next to the beach, and we suggest lodging up at Sapa Inka which is just a block away from the sands.

Is Guayaquil Safe to Visit?

One of the largest cities in Ecuador, many wonder if it’s worth adding Guayaquil into their trip here.

The city itself does have many attractions to see, and the majority are based around the Malecón 2000 (which ends up being the only really safe area we recommend staying in).

backpacking guyaquil ecuador

This historic center is much better for walking around during the day, although you’ll still want to leave valuables in your accommodation and be wary at night.

Of course Guayaquil does have an unsafe reputation (and even more now in recent years), however this violence is usually targeted between rival gangs and at political parties. Again, simply being a regular tourist (and sticking to the touristy areas like the Malecón 2000) will help keep you safe when here.

Things to do in Ecuador

The great thing about Ecuador is that there are a lot of awesome things to do which are all quite close together (whilst in others like Brazil and Chile, they tend to be well spread-out).

One of the top highlights has to be hiking up Cotopaxi Volcano, which is one of the world’s highest active volcanoes. We suggest booking yourself on to this day tour, where you will hike the volcano as well as around the memorable lagoon crater of Quilotoa.

There is much more to this country than just volcanoes though, which includes the Amazon Jungle, postcard-perfect beaches and also the endemic Galápagos Islands.

The area around Baños is well worth exploring for its high jungle and multiple waterfalls, and you can easily spend a day visiting various key sites here.

If you prefer having everything organized for you, then you can head on this highly-rated tour which includes entry to the Pailón del Diablo waterfall as well as a ride on the Swing at the End of the World.

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7 Safety Tips for Ecuador

Travel With A Certified Insurance Provider

Although reports can be damming, the truth is that most violence is targeted towards specific key people in Ecuador and between gangs.

However having a reputable travel insurance is still a very good idea, and especially so to keep you covered for the more likely daily issues that you could have.

Padlock Your Bags On Public Transportation

Unfortunately theft of belongings on buses has been an issue for tourists for many years, where cons take their chances when you least suspect it. Be sure to use padlocks, and also to keep your bag at your feet when on an overnight bus (or if having a nap).

Dress Down When Out And About

This is pretty standard safety advice regardless of where you travel in South America, and of course applies here in Ecuador too. Avoid wearing clothes or accessories that seem overly expensive, given they can make you an attractive target to potential thieves.

Don’t Drink The Tap Water

Again in the majority of cases the tap water isn’t treated here in Ecuador (which is similar to the drinking water in Peru), so avoid drinking it to prevent you from getting ill.

Instead, either get a water bottle (like this one) or, only drink from sealed bottles of water from local shops, and throw out old bottles after a few days of having been opened.

local food prices in ecuador

Be Wary Of Quito’s Historic Center

Whilst a fantastic gem full of colorful streets and impressive architecture, this area can also be pretty seedy too. Only explore this area during the day if possible, and don’t take anything of high value out with you when walking around since there’s a risk of being pickpocketed.

Follow Our Food Safety Tips

Ecuadorian cuisine can be a real delight, such as getting in that much needed hot caldo when in the cooler Andean highlands. However, as always, only eat at places which are busy or are recommended, given there is less chance you can catch a bug and get sick.

backpacking montanita ecuador

Be Wary Of Your Alcoholic Drinks

There has been a recent increase in the use of Scopolamine by criminals to subdue and steal from unsuspecting tourists, and more so in touristy areas such as around Montañita and Quito. Always keep an eye on your drinks, and don’t accept drinks from strangers.

Is Ecuador Safe FAQs

Here are some popular questions our readers ask when it comes to visiting Ecuador:

Is Ecuador Safe for American tourists?

Officially there are some alerts recommending against travel to Ecuador for USA citizens. However we feel that Americans can easily have a safe and fun experience backpacking through Ecuador, provided they follow our above safety tips and stay within touristy areas.

Is Ecuador Safe to travel alone?

There are many well set-up destinations for tourists that make it more comfortable to travel solo here, including Baños, Montañita, Cuenca and parts of Quito. Of course you’ll still need to be aware at all times, and females in particular will want to take care of who they are with when heading out at night.

Is Quito Safe?

The Ecuadorian capital definitely feels rough in areas, and I (George) found the historic center to be one of the least safe places I explored when in the country. You can of course walk around with no issues here, however it’s best to only explore during the day and to leave valuables in your accommodation before coming. We’d recommend travelers heading to Quito to stay within the area of Plaza Foch.

Best Time to Visit Ecuador?

Overall the months between July and September are the best for a trip to Ecuador. Right within the dry season, you’ll have superb weather during these months. January and February are also good despite being in the wet season, and especially so if you’re looking to spend more time on the Pacific beaches. See our guide on the best time to visit South America to compare the weather here with neighboring countries.

Is Ecuador Safe?

And that’s all for this guide on whether Ecuador is safe to visit.
Known for its diverse volcanic and beach landscapes, incredible people and more, Ecuador is a solid choice to add onto any backpacking itinerary through South America.

Some parts can be unsafe though, so it’s best to follow our safety advice and to always be alert of your surroundings when here.

In this guide we’ve explored how to stay safe in Ecuador, looking at some of our top tips. We’ve also answered some of your biggest questions in our FAQ section.

Still unsure of where is worth visiting in Ecuador? Be sure to check out our Backpacking Ecuador Itinerary for a list of the must-visit destinations and activities.

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